Home News Google's Contribution to Building the First Social Apps for Android, including Twitter

Google's Contribution to Building the First Social Apps for Android, including Twitter

Here’s a tidbit of startup history that may not be widely known outside of the tech firms themselves: The first versions of popular Android apps, like Twitter, were built by Google itself. That revelation came about via a new podcast with Twitter’s former senior director of product management, Sara Beykpour, now the co-founder of the AI news startup Particle.

In a podcast hosted by Lightspeed partner Michael Mignano, Beykpour reminisces about her role in Twitter’s history. She explains how she began working at Twitter in 2009, initially as a tools engineer, when the company employed only around 75 people. Later, Beykpour moved to work on mobile at Twitter around the time when other third-party apps were growing in popularity on other platforms, like BlackBerry and iOS. One of those, Loren Brichter’s Tweetie, was even acquired by Twitter to form the basis of its first official iOS app.

As for Twitter’s Android app, that came from Google, Beykpour said.

The Twitter for Android client was “a demo app that Google had created and gave to us,” she said on the podcast. “They did that with all the popular social apps at the time: Foursquare … Twitter … they all looked the same in those early days because Google wrote them all.”